Can I Upload a Photo From My Computer File to Featured Photos on Facebook

facebook featured photos

When it comes to marketing your brand or business organization through social media, you really tin can't ignore the potential that a Facebook page has to offer. Chances are that if you have a business, you more than likely take a business concern page on Facebook, and most of your current or prospective customers are already using the platform as well. Only are you using Facebook Featured Photos to your reward – both for your concern and personally?

The bottom line is, utilizing Facebook and all of it'due south ever-changing features should be incorporated as an essential part of your marketing strategy.

Facebook Featured Photos: Tips for Brands and Marketers

There's one feature in item that provides an extra boost to your branding and gives you the power to tailor your viewer's starting time impression. It's Facebook Featured Photos. It may seem like a no-brainer, but it'southward surprising how many marketers are missing this opportunity, and after all, a picture is worth 1,000 words – especially on social media.

Here are a few ways you lot can make the almost of Facebook featured photos on your business'due south Facebook folio.

Exist Memorable and Strategic With Your Facebook Featured Photos

Recollect near how many Facebook profiles you lot've skimmed over in the past month or 2 alone. If there wasn't annihilation in particular that stuck out nearly that page, y'all may take called to quickly shift your attention elsewhere. You just have a split up 2nd to make a lasting impression, whether information technology's practiced or bad.

1 great way to create a positive feel for your viewers is past up-dating your Featured Photos on your personal and business Facebook pages. If you're not already familiar with this, know that when this section is left untouched, y'all're really missing out on some valuable brand space.

Adding featured photos to your personal Facebook profile or business page is easy. Let's walk through the steps:

How to Add Facebook Featured Photos to a Business Folio

Featured photos on a business organization page work similarly, but have some slight differences.

Curl down your feed to the "Photos" section on your page.

Facebook featured photos for brands

Click the modest drop-downward arrow towards the top right of these photos, and you will be able to select from three different options: Well-nigh Recent Content, Most Popular Content, or Featured Content.

Facebook featured photos for brands

Click on "Featured Content" – you will notice the photos change. Click the drop-downwardly arrow again, and select "Change Featured Photos."

Facebook featured photos for brands

Choose which photos y'all want to display on your folio by clicking the bluish "add together photo" icons, and and then "Save."

Facebook featured photos for brands

Unlike the featured photos on a personal folio, only 3 of the photos volition display on your concern page, even when you choose five. The commencement picture you choose will be larger than your second and third choices, so remember to choose your layout accordingly.

Any featured photos that you add to a personal or business page will not change unless you go back and manually update them or delete an image. A major benefit of this feature is that it gives yous the ability to control and give priority to the content y'all want people to see the nigh.

How to Add Facebook Featured Photos to a Personal Profile

The featured photos y'all choose for your personal contour are equally important since this is the folio y'all may use to connect with clients straight, or to actively participate in Facebook groups. Use this space to showcase five quality images that will advertise your business and personal interests.

Underneath your profile motion picture towards the superlative left of the folio, you will run into an "Intro" section along with five photos.

Click on the small pencil icon located at the peak right of these photos to "Edit" your featured photos.

Adjacent, cull a maximum of five photos that you'd like to feature by selecting the blue "add photo" icons and then "Save."

Facebook featured photos for brands

The photos that you choose will now appear on your contour. The first two that you select volition exist larger than the bottom 3 photos, and then cull your layout accordingly. Also, continue in mind that regardless of your priva-cy settings on your profile, your featured photos volition remain public. You tin utilize these photos to necktie in nicely with whatever text you lot add to the "Intro" department on your folio.

Utilize Facebook Featured Photos to Showcase Who You lot Are and What You Practice

If you choose to not customize this section of your page, Facebook will automatically pull from either your about contempo photos or your photos with the nigh appointment. The downfall here is that without manually choosing what photos you'd similar to display, annihilation you've uploaded or been tagged in can go hither. For example, these could be lower quality images or pictures that give no insight into your personality or business organisation.

Brands Using Facebook Featured Photos

Let's take a look a few brands that are using Facebook Featured Photos specially well:


facebook featured photos for brands walgreens


facebook featured photos for brands curlbox

Whole Foods

facebook featured photos for brands whole foods

Information technology doesn't take a lot of commentary from us on why these pages' Facebook Featured Photos stand up out from the remainder. Y'all can run into for yourself how they give a folio visitor the right message about the brand – even if a visitor is rapidly scrolling through the page.

Use Facebook Featured Photos to Your Reward

People that visit your Facebook page volition make a snap judgment about yous and your brand from the first bit of content that they come across, and in that location's no guarantee that they'll stick around after that to swoop deeper. It's crucial that you amplify and spotlight your best content then that you can attract and connect with the right people.

The images that y'all cull to represent yourself with can play a huge function in someone's decision of whether or non to piece of work with you. How will you align your Facebook featured images with your business objectives?

Would you like to accept our practiced team evaluate your  business organization Facebook presence? Nosotros can do that in a complimentary xxx-minute Facebook strategy consultation. Sign up here and we'll have a look at your Facebook page, so schedule a telephone call to discuss the results.

Why Businesses Should Care ABout Facebook Featured Photos

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Self-confessed discussion nerd and polymath Sharon Hurley Hall believes she has the perfect task - equally a professional author and blogger. And when she tin can indulge her geeky side and write well-nigh new web tools, information technology's a little slice of sky.


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