How Employers Respond to Bad Reviews on Indeed

By now, you lot should be pretty familiar with company review sites. There'southward Glassdoor, Indeed, Comparably, Great Identify to Work, FairyGodBoss…audio familiar? (If not, check out our post virtually employer review sites). If you're familiar with the places where people can share with others what its like to piece of work for you lot, y'all may already know what's being said about your business. Is it all positive? Does a depression overall score of your business organisation on company review sites bother you? Or is there a specific comment that you merely can't milkshake?

The Problem with Crowdsourcing on Visitor Review Sites

In this day and age, you don't have to look far earlier y'all come across someone'south opinion near something–annihilation! The wide employ of the internet and the frequency of free publishing platforms use allows and encourages anybody effectually the world to give their ii cents. This is not bad for a lot of reasons. Whether you lot're because buying a new mattress, doing an activity on vacation, or deciding who to do business with, you're able to brand a more well-informed decision. An open up platform for discussing opinions and experiences allows for an like shooting fish in a barrel to apply, post, and research but virtually anything.

But, with the simplification of ability to share comes a few issues.

Issue has not been resolved…yet.

Sometimes people are heated in the moment or are in the eye of an effect and share their frustration before the state of affairs can be addressed with whomever or whatever acquired the problem. While you could be working upward a programme to have someone promoted behind the scenes, they're beginning to write a fuming review of your business organisation, complaining that there's no room for growth.

There'south no vetting

Are we really sure that the person who left the negative online review of your business had an issue with the service? It could be anyone! In that location's no paperwork needed to testify that the person creating the review is a former employee of yours. They only need an email address to log in. If a former employee was fired and aroused nearly it, they could create multiple accounts, create negative reviews on company review sites, and tarnish your reputation.

Sometimes, they're simply incorrect

I know, I know. No opinions are incorrect. Only what we notice with online reviews, from Yelp, Tripadvisor, Amazon, company review sites–anywhere where someone tin share their feedback–is that some people are answering the incorrect question entirely.

Our Experience with Negative Reviews on Company Review Sites

Our answering service prides itself on our client service and the mode nosotros treat our employees like family unit. Thankfully, nosotros have an overall average that reflects the amount of care and effort we put into building a solid team. Employees have said some really great things!

via Indeed

via Indeed

via Indeed

Withal, nosotros were surprised to see that we had any negative reviews on visitor review sites. What went wrong? Was it something we could set?

Answering the wrong question

As I mentioned before, the issue with an open source for sharing experiences is that people aren't always sure what question they're answering. At that place are some negative reviews in which this was the instance for our business on visitor review sites. For example:

via Indeed

via Indeed

Both of these comments within reviews make information technology articulate that their rating has less to do with the company they worked for and more than to practise with whether or non they prefer to work from home.

Working from home isn't for everyone. It'southward hard to stay disciplined, stay productive, and information technology's hard to separate home life from work life. It's not quite fair to rate a company based on whether or not the office type was correct for you. Company review sites also aren't asking whether or not the specific industry is a expert fit for yous, and so saying you don't like answering the telephone for an answering service really isn't relevant.

Bug that demand to be addressed

Not all of the comments fabricated in the negative reviews on company review sites were irrelevant. Some were valid concerns. Y'all may notice this is the case for your pocket-size business besides.

What to do about negative reviews on visitor review sites

As you can run across, we have positive and negative feedback brought to our attention through these company review sites. Now that we have this data, what'due south side by side?

You run into, visitor review sites don't only help potential employees brand decisions nearly who they would like to piece of work for. They can also give you otherwise-unknown insight near your visitor from an employee's perspective. You can meliorate your leadership skills and better manage your business with this new insight.

Apply the post-obit tips to use the information gained through visitor review sites to meliorate your small business.

Don't take it too personally

Not all star averages are on the higher end, like ours. When yous run across a quantitative score that'south on the lower cease, it's easy to feel disappointed or like y'all're declining your employees or your business. You're not! Less attending should be paid to the score. Put more emphasis on the comments that are said. You tin do more about that than the average rating.

Take note of the comments

Especially ones that are repeated! If there are several reviewers who take had the same issue working for your business concern, it may be a bigger trouble than you realize.

Is there a certain squad member that many of the reviewers don't seem to get along with? Is there a certain protocol that is stifling to product? Pay attention to what is said and make a conclusion whether or not this is something you would like to improve upon for the sake of your current employees. If in that location are multiple places in need of improvement, create a listing.

Approach your leadership team

Management needs to go on board with yous if y'all're willing and set to implement some changes inside your arrangement as a event of these company review sites. Tell them you're looking to make some adjustments. They should be set up and willing to switch gears and adjust.

There also may be comments near specific leaders, instances with leaders, or toxic employees. You'll need to check with them for input on these comments and receive a different point of view.

Begin solutions

At present that y'all've got your management team on lath, look for ways in which you tin improve upon the issues raised in the comments. Practice you need to restructure your organization? Is someone's direction way not working? Practice you lot need more structure? Less? An incentive plan? An employee write up at piece of work?

Not all bug need solutions

Just because one way of managing your employees is disliked by a couple of sometime employees doesn't necessarily hateful that it'southward a problem that needs to be fixed. Not everything is going to piece of work well for anybody, and that's okay.

Implement solutions

One time yous've decided on what to do about the negative review, implement the solution every bit presently equally possible. Create specific goals and a method of accountability so that things will not regress to the mode they were.

Ask for feedback regularly

Speak with your employees! You should be having frequent 1-on-ones with your team, or at very least a performance review. When engaging with someone about the status of their work, information technology's appropriate to ask if they feel as if they need anything different from direction.

If you're frequently checking in with your employees, you'll already exist aware of some of the areas of improvement. Y'all'll be able to sleep soundly knowing that you're doing your best to create a place where someone loves to outset work every mean solar day.

Encourage current employees to review your business

At this point, current employees should be able to meet the try you're putting in to create a positive work environment. Issues they may have had in common with posters to company review sites have been addressed. You've been engaging with them and request for their feedback. It's likely that they already accept some positive things to say about your business organization and direction fashion!

Don't be afraid to ask your team to add together their input to visitor review sites. Let them know that in the future yous would like to be able to abound the business organization. You'll quiet the negative online reviews past outnumbering them with positive reviews.

Don't end there

Reach out to previous employees who you've maintained a human relationship with, and ask them if they'd besides be willing to write a review of your business on one of these visitor review sites.

Responding to negative reviews on company review sites

You've now gotten your squad on board, accept found solutions to accost problems within your pocket-size business, and implemented strategies to move forwards. At that place's only 1 trouble: the negative reviews are still on company review sites. Yous'll have to address that equally well. A few tips:

  1. Thank them for their feedback and for the time they spent as an employee. Gratitude is always a good way to commencement.
  2. Share the changes you've made to address this event, or…
  3. Let them know the purpose behind the source of contention. Tell them why what they encounter as an issue is the right option for your business.
  4. Talk from a values standpoint. Here'due south your opportunity to speak virtually what matters to your pocket-size business organisation. Some people may believe that businesses make all of their choices out of greed or they don't think of the person's best involvement. You lot can permit them know that a disliked protocol is for the sake of the entire staff being held to the same standards, for example. Fairness over turn a profit.
  5. Go along it brief. If yous accept a very lengthy response, it can reflect negatively on y'all and your business. You lot're here to do harm control. Don't forget.
  6. Encourage them to share more with you lot, one-on-one, about ways in which y'all could build a improve business concern.

Don't just respond to negative reviews!

Respond to other reviews as you see fit. CEOs in companies big and small are showing that even the person at the top of the corporate ladder should exist personable and grateful toward staff members. Find examples of CEOs responding to reviews on Glassdoor.

Apply this to your minor business concern

When you have negative reviews on visitor review sites, don't fret. Just practise the post-obit:

  1. Don't take information technology personally.
  2. Have note of what is said, specially complaints made by more i poster.
  3. Speak to your leadership team most your willingness to address the issues within the negative reviews on company review sites.
  4. Brainstorm solutions with the leadership team. Decide how to fix things then that your current employees don't have the same complaints.
  5. Implement those solutions. Once y'all know what to practice, do it! And hold everyone accountable for follow through.
  6. Ask for feedback regularly. Not merely about this specific issue, but in full general. Y'all should e'er take a expert idea near how your employees feel working for you and ways in which yous tin can improve that experience.

Now, try this:


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